Although we have many types of cookie cutters in our collection (everything from plastic and silver, to large and small cutters) our favorite cookie cutters to use are from
Copper Gifts. The design, the metal, and the craftsmanship of their cutters are superb, making them one of Sweet Society's Favorite Tools to use.
Each cookie cutter is made in a Kansas workshop, and are hand-made and hand-soldered. Because each cutter is hand-soldered, the cookie cutter is permanently sealed, ensuring that no dough gets stuck in the cutter. The metal itself is high quality and strong so they don't bend easily. We assume that if stored well, they could probably last a lifetime... and be passed on to future generations.
There are 1,000s of designs to choose from ranging from six different sizes. They offer mini cookie cutters all the way up to huge, with an assortment of sizes in between. They also sell cookie decorating products such as piping bottles, sprinkles, and even cute little candy eyes to add as an accent to your cookies.
We highly recommend
Copper Gifts for all your cookie cutter needs. If you're curious to see some of these cutters in action, check out some of the cookies we made using their cutters:
Here Comes The Bride Cookies in the
Hearts Experience
Elephun And Chevron Cookies in the
Elephun Experience
Beehive Cookies in the
Bee Experience